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Monster-Boy Bromance Book 2

Projected Spring 2025

Illustration by Daniel Mendes Matui
Design by Asya Blue

Tabby Swain

A visionary, genre-bending coming-of-age novel about a group of friends with one thing in common: they’re shape-shifting monsters. If that wasn’t bad enough, they must also navigate the angst of high school, first love, and heartbreak.

Matthew Stroud wants nothing more than to live a normal life, but that’s easier said than done with cat ears on his head and a cat tail attached to his lower back. Only two people know he’s a cat boy: one is his best friend and fellow monster boy, Mark Koenigsegg, and the other is Mark’s human mother, Ashley Koenigsegg.

Shortly after starting high school, Matthew develops a crush on Emily Thompson, a human who worms her way into his tiny friend group. She quickly senses something’s wrong with her new friends, from their secretive behavior to their animallike appearances, especially when they befriend another boy, John Woodcock, who seems oddly unbothered by everything weird about them.

As her suspicions deepen, Matthew must do everything in his power to keep Emily off of his scent, even as he continues to fall for her, because everything will fall apart if she learns the truth.

Content Warnings


Blood, drug use, nudity, sexual content, strong language, violence.


Alcohol abuse, body horror, body modifications, body shaming, bullying, child abuse, child neglect, disordered body thoughts, disordered eating, disordered weight thoughts, emesis, emotional abuse, eye trauma, fatphobia, grief, homophobia, knife violence, medical procedures, medical treatment, needles, physical assault, physical injuries, scars, sexism, slut-shaming, weight gain, weight loss.


Ableism, chronic illness, classism, depression, dubious consent, infidelity.


Cardiac arrest, childbirth, death of a parent, death of a spouse, divorce, familial estrangement, heart disease, pet death, poverty, pregnancy, racism, sexual assault, sex work, sex-worker shaming, starvation, sterilization, substance abuse, surgery, unintended pregnancy.

Illustration by dafn91

About the Author

Sithia Queen is an author, artist, and businesswoman. Her writing primarily revolves around middle-class monster people and their day-to-day struggles with body image, mental health, and interpersonal relationships. When she isn’t writing, she spends her time reading, playing video games, and roaming the internet. She lives in Raleigh, North Carolina with her husband and her cat.


Sithia writes genre-hybrid works that fall under urban fantasy, paranormal romance, and literary fiction.

Writing Style

Sithia writes in first-person present-tense and often utilizes alternating point-of-view. Her style leans toward minimalist and realist.

Content Rating

Sithia writes content intended for mature audiences. Her works often contain profanity, violence, and sexual themes.

Find me on Instagram

I post writing updates and illustrations of my characters.

Sithia Queen

Author dedicated to writing slice-of-life stories about monster boys and the people they meet. I make content intended for mature audiences.